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PM disputes opposition 'bootie' claims

ImageA bad-tempered debate erupted in parliament today, with the Imaginary Prime Minister aggressively disputing allegations raised by the official opposition that he had been illegally 'wearing little booties' while a junior member of the government.

Long-serving opposition member, Wilson Jimsonson-Leeson(son), raised the topic during the hourly recess between scheduled debates, claiming that the Prime Minister (at the time a junior minister responsible for 'agricultural activities') had been engaged in illicit and unnecessary 'little bootie wearing' in the early 1990s, when it was still listed as a class C offence. The Prime Minister disputed this, stating that he "had never 'worn little booties' before it was decriminalised in 2012" and that "all the subsequent cases that did take place were perfectly legal and had the full consent of everyone involved".

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