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Pickers pick up Picklington in the draft-excluder

ImageIts draft-excluder week in the IFL and backrooms across the country have been full of the traditional horse-dealing, house-trading, banter and biscuits that go on before the transfer sticker deadline at the end of the month.

In early movements, the Pickers swapped Picklington for their biggest draft-excluder while the Diggers capitulated and gave up a big first hole to the Iona Rockets, where they'll expect to pick up Ricky Trousers if he passes the medical and starch-test.

Nothing is unlikely to deter hotshot college star Heston Armatrading from joining the resurgent Snakes, but the press room is still full abuzz with questions on who the Snakes will pick up on their second bite, possibly Contagious or Lethal if either are still available. Bobby Contagious of M.Y. State refused to be interviewed on the speculation while Jackie Lethal, though happy to talk, was incomprehensible.

One thing is for sure, next season is going to be awash with new talent eager to prove their chaps in the opening matches.

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