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Inverse telescope views own destruction ahead of launch

ImageThree years ago, Imaginary Space Agency scientists began work on a new 'Inverse' telescope designed to peer forward through space and time. Now, 6 months ahead of its launch, the telescope has revealed its own inevitable failure.

Over the past decades the Imaginary Space Agency has launched a number of telescopes that look back to the origins of the universe because of Science. Unlike those that detect primordial light in the deep infra-red zx spectrum, the new 'Jackie Neilson Telescope' uses green light and microwaves and stuff to look The Other Way.

Scans during pre-launch testing confirmed the telescope will be successfully launched into space on board the ISA's massive Boner-IV rocket, but will be placed into an incorrect orbit that will lead to its demise shortly after launch when it inadvertently intercepts the sun.

"Not much we can do about it but carry on regardless." said head of the project, Matt Mattson, rather despondently.

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