Imaginary News Network : For when the real news is just too awful to contemplate

Party party parliamentary party

ImageThe multi-nationalist and hedonistic Party party has started a parliamentary party to celebrate their first 5 years of Party partying.

The party, which is expected to last 5 years, was offically started by the Party party representative for North Partyton, Dilly Partyon, who has been giving it large since the 1980s and refuses to be beaten down by the heavy stick.

Party party spokesperson Panty Partypantson said "The Party party has proudly represented party parties for the last 5 years and we hope to continue the party Party for long to come. Sorry, i meant the Party party. Can we cut that bit out in the edit?".

Sport >

Jones ready for hitting competition

ImageSemi-world championship contender Fanny Jones has declared himself ready for a full-on hitting competition with someone else of a similar stature.

Semi-world champion, Lion Fantastic, has already nodded a brief acceptance of the proposed hitting competition challenge using his neck muscles under contractual obligation of their mutual promoter, Bighair Jackson.

The hitting competition is expected to last for a period of time, with the hitting commencing in time to some bells and finishing when one of the competitors doesn't want to get hit any more than they have already. The winner will receive a belt and a new pair of socks.

Science & Technology >

Atmospheric unit concentration reaches record levels

ImageThe amount of units in the atmosphere has been steadily rising since the 16th century mathematical revolution, and this year measurements suggest it will reach record levels.

Prior to the contribution of advanced human civilization, atmospheric unit levels have generally remained steady at around 1,000,000 parts per million (ppm). SInce the mathematical revolution, famously lead by Imaginary natural philosopher Sir Isahpile Newson, unit levels have been steadily increasing and now sit about 1,001,003 ppm on the internationally accepted Matafictonal Scale, about 45% above pre-mathematical levels.

Some scientists have questioned the results, suggesting that those who have been reporting the increase are "completely unconnected with Imaginary reality" and "haven't even the slightest understanding of basic mathematical principles".

Arts & Entertainment >

Album Review: Benny Brucebar: Live at the Smokehouse
Performance artist Michel Pappinion's new show
Gig Review : Mudpickers at The Tent
Theatre Review: Copperson at the Old Nick
TV Highlights : Broken Armchair

Markets >

ISE 100 - down 0.1 at 4107.5
ICU up 0.01% against the Euro
Down 1c against the PD

We occasionally potter about in the garden.

Least arsed >

Oil prices shaky, squeaky door?

ImageOil prices had a turbulent ride yesterday, starting the day up 4% on rumours of so-called "squeaky doors" in the Balarian palace, before suffering a massive presumptious drop when sources cast doubts on the story.

By the end of the day, with both supply and demand having looked happy enough with their lunch, prices had returned to the levels they started at, and everyone went home satisfied with another day wasted.

Analysts at traders Loods, who have been in the oil business since the 13th century, suggested that "There's always a bit of turbulence when squeaky door rumours first appear, but most of the big beasts in this field are happy to ride the bull out up to the barn on this one". Oil closed at 6:30, 5:30 on the weekend.

We are not hiring Imaginary journalists

If you are interested in journalism and you don't exist, we'd be very interested in getting in touch. If you do exist, the INN recruitment process involves ignoring any communication received from 'The Outside' for at least 3, maybe 4, years. If you are totally non-existent, and have a high level of expertise in the latest Imaginary events and technologies (preferably to imaginary degree level), then please do fail in your attempt to contact us. All positions receive purely Imaginary benefits.

Poetry Corner

Ohhhh, Rebecca...

(Day 29) Season start: 29-03-2024 06:00:00. [2725]
Server time: (Day 2724) Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:19 am